Money makes the world go round. Ain't that the truth, and a truth I have come to know more about now that I am married and have responsibilties like paying the bills. I mean not that I haven't had small tastes of this kind of thing before it's just different when your money isn't your money but your spouses as well. I can't just do whatever I want with my own cash anymore; I have to actually think about whether or not I need what I am about to buy or not.
Now how boring is that!? Buying only what you need? Rediculuos really. But thats how it is when you first get married. It has to be for a while, at least until you get yourself settled. And thats okay, because being with Joel has taught me a lot about discipline and how to spend the big $$$. However I get these urges...
I was thinking about this the other day because I really wanted to go to the mall and just go shopping... for nothing in particular... but I would figure it out when I got there. You see you know that when you are planing on shopping but not planning on what to shop for....... chances are whatever you purchase isn't a "need". I my case it's a "just gotta have". No rhyme, no reason, no excuse. I just have to have it.
This whole trend of mine hasn't seemed to fit in the world of responsibility and marriage, and the worst part is that living out on my own with my husband has not only made spending money a new game but has made my spending urges a little more expensive!! Instead of going to the mall because I "just gotta have" that cute little outfit I saw at American Eagle last week, it's more like lets go to REI because I "just gotta have" that sweet kayak, or Mt. bike, or gortex jacket. It's wanting to travel, and get a higher education, which is always way to expensive. It's wanting a ticket home to visit family, and a membership at the closest gym.
For some reason these are all things (I'm sure I missed a few) that as an independant I feel I should have. At least in my head they are. Funny how my taste in stuff went up in price, when the only things I can pay for are the esentials.
Actually I have to say that Joel and I do a pretty good job with our budgetting, and we have been able to treat ourselfs a few times so far. But there are things in the near future that we may not be able to afford. Things like education, and moving around once the Coast Gaurd moves us again, and visiting my family for christmas. At least we wont if I keep feeding my "gotta haves"and not the needs first. So I admit it!! I'm a shopaholic and I need to understand the importance of needs over wants if I am ever going to have money make my world go round!! Otherwise I'll be stopped in my tracks because I'll be carrying a load of useless stuff...
So I have been trying to train my brain to stop wanting so much. Especially because I feel extra worse about it because I don't even make any of our money. Right now Joel is the only one with a job, and I am still waiting on a work Visa. I don't feel like I make enough contribution to have all the wants I have. Thats like my slap in the wrist. I don't want to become one of those wives that doesn't do anything but spend her husbands money.
I know that once I stop wanting so much and trust more in God's providence, then we will be able to afford enough to live our lives in His glory... and thats all I can ask for right? I hope I can believe in that more often.God is teaching Both Joel and the ways of spending "His" $$ instead of ours. And that the big point.This is a goal, and a prayer.