God turns me
Its in despair that I find faith
Summons the night to bow down to day
When ignorance is bliss
Won't you save me from myself
And then I see you there
With your arms open wide and you try to embrace me
these lonely tears I cry
They keep me in chains and I wish they'd release me
Cold is the night but
Colder still is the heart made of stone turned from clay
And if you follow me
You'll see all the black, all the white, fade to grey
-jars of clay
I was listening to this CD the other day after finding among all of our unpacked things. I haven't listened to it since I was at Summer camp when I was about 12 or 13 yrs old.
It was the first christian music I ever owned, and this song was the first song that I heard God through.
Everyday I think of how God is changing, molding, making me and how he does it without me evern realizing it. It took me years of listening to this song, and hearing it from others, and listening to seemingly wise teachers talk about it... The love of Jesus and how it calls you, embraces you, then turns you. The way you go from feeling empty to feeling qutie filled, from alone, to surrounded, from missing to found and from damned to blessed.
I wanted to share these words of this song with you because this was the point that I feel I truly gave my life to the glory of God. How beautiful is this journey, and how amazing to know it all starts with His love.
How do you let Him turn your clay?
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