Friday, September 30, 2005

Stitch by stitch

So o few days ago I taught myself how to knit. It funny when you don't have a lot to do, and so you have to find new things to occupy your time and the types of things you find to do are the things you never thought you'd be interested in. Things like knitting. Well I have discovered that I like very much to knit, and that it can be very relaxing. It would be even more so if I didn't have such horrible posture while I'm doing it. So I am currently making myself a scarf. One stitch, one color. I though that would be the easiest thing to start out with, and when I am finished I can look at it, judge it, get and outside opinion, and then really find out if I'm good at it or not. Because then I will know whether I am ready for more intricate work .... like a mitten .... or a sock, because I don't know if I'm ready for the thumb yet. Whatever it may be I'm already excited for the challenge. Wow, I'm sure you are thinking "this poor girl, what brings a person to be excited about kniting?" Well, you know what? I am and darn proud to be too. Just wait until you pay $35 for your very own scarf, and I'm sitting comfortably itchy in the one I made myself. Then you'll understand. Oh ya, and I have to give "props" to all the Grandma's out there who make afghans for every grandchild, and hat & mitt sets for all the nieces and nephews. Because my nuckles already hurt and I have only done about 8 rows!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


**The art of living life well...
Take great pleasure in small offerings.
Believe the world owes you nothing.
Understand that every gift given to you is exactly that.
Love life.

**Wise are the ones who make the most
of things that come their way,
and spend no time weeping for
the things that get away.

**It is usually not so much
the greatness of our troubles,
as the littleness of our spirit
which causes us to complain.

**The tea kettle sings...
even when it is up to it's neck
in hot water.

**Let us hold fast the confessions
of our hope without wavering,
for He who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23

These are some words that have put a smile on my face and encouraged me in the last few days. Times are tougher than I am used to right now so I always appreciate the things that let me see past the tough stuff and help me smile. Sometimes the simplest of words can be just what you need to hear. I hope they can do the same for you.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Seattle life...

I feel like I don't spend enough time telling everyone exactly how or what I am doing here and now. Well this one is for all those who appreciate the updates now and then. The Fabulous life of Chantel Wright... Military wife and strong independent woman...ha, this is fun.

But... first we will start with my wonderful husband, Joel...
He has had better days, but I guess work has been a little more stressful this month. He has had the unfortunate pleasure of working in the Coast Guards (CG) version of the "dish pit". It's been hard not just because it's a pretty crappy job, but it also keeps him on the boat all day except for about 12 hours and he is sleeping for 8 of those. We are just looking forward to the end of this month so that he can go back to what he was doing and liking his position in the CG again. Because other than this month God has really been answering our prayers. Joel is doing very well, and setting a great example there by being a solid working who is working hard to get into Aviation School. He may even get in before having to leave on the Ice Breaker for months.
>I want to thank everyone for their prayers. They have been heard and appreciated,<

As for me... I am doing as well as I can be in the situation that I am. I am getting attatched to Seattle the longer we stay here, and I think it is totally beautiful here. That is me with great Mt. Raneir at the top. One of our two mountains!! However beyond the experiencing the beauty of this place there hasn't been a lot of oppertunity for me here. Still waiting for my VISA so that I will finally be able to get a job has got me into a state of plain boredum... I try to volunteer where I can but the choices there are also becoming few. So instead I have been filling my time with writing, reading, cleaning, and working on the future of my education. And even though I sound bored, and I am, I am still enjoying life. I just have to appreciate all the little things that come my way, which has taught me a lot about taking advantage of every Joy. It's challenging sometimes, but thats what life is all about, and I love it.

Those of you who know us know that Joel and I stay optimistic through most things. Even though things aren't all what we want them to be right now, we are making the most of it and keeping our heads up high. It's easy to do when we have each other. All in God's time, and until then all we can do is be the best that He made us to be where ever it is we are. So we'll keep smiling to help bring light to everyday.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A story of...

So I have been thinking for some time about what to write. Isn't it funny how we sit and think for so long about what to write in our own journals sometimes, when the only person you should be writing for is yourself. I mean I love to share my journals with each and everyone of you, but I don't want the urge to impress you with intelligent or interesting banter to take over the natural cause of just writing about whatever I can.
So I got some good advice from a good friend to write about something from my past that had an impact on my life. I love this because nothing else could be more natural for me than to share something significant I've lived through. Real life stories...the challenge to be real and to be real honest...
Here it goes:
About 9 to 10 years ago I was let in on a secret that would shock me more than anything and change the rest of my life. "Chantel, the man you have grown up knowing as your father isn't quite the real thing. In fact your biological father lives in Canada and wants to get to know you" says mom.
Your probably asking yourself, now what kind of a response can a 12 year old girl have to all this? Well golly, where do I start? I mean there is so much to sift through and deal with. Thoughts may have been something like:

- You lied to me!!
- My family as I know it has all been pretending.
- Where has the real dad been & why now is he searching for a relationship?
- Boy do I feel decieved by one and abandoned by the other.
- What do they expect me to call them from now on? ....ect.

...That single moment may have been the most confusing, disappointing, altering, and revealing in my life at the time. You see, I was confused that I had a dad who thought loving me meant to lie to me for years. Disappointed at a dad who had abandoned me for years, felt it was finally time to care. My life had altered from one family to the next and so had my home (us to Canada). What was revealed to me? I realized the only true love I had received was from my wonderful mother, who essentially raised me on her own into the woman I am today.
...I had to have a lot of emotions to scream out you think right? The reaction must have been loud and sad really. There was a lot to be said and my opportunity had come to do so when the explanation was through... did I say anything? Not a single word. Honestly I didn't say a darned thing. In fact I hadn't said a darned thing about it for 7 years from that moment. It's probably the worst thing you could do is let something like that harbor inside of you. But it seemed like the only option at the time. Good thing the story doesn't end there eh? Because I'm not finished...
...Well 7 years later came, and with help and encouragement from very close friends and an even closer God, I was able to say what I had needed to all that time.
"Dad. I forgive you and love you still."
"Mom. I thank you and have loved you always."

I almost want to leave it there, but I also want to tell you why I shared this story of my life. I believe that it is the tough stuff we endure throughout our lives that shape most of who we are. And when it's not the tough stuff, then it's the people there with you. Although I may have not had a father for many years I did have the most amazing mother who is and always will be my best friend. And although I bottled a lot up for years, the freedom of finally letting it all go taught me more about what God's means when he tells us to forgive others more than anything ever has. Forgiving has let me be able to become who God wants me to be without the hindrances of baggage or bitterness. It has allowed me to become closer to those around me and mostly my parents. I guess I shared this story to encourage those with disfunctional families or tough stuff in the past to look at everything and be real honest with yourself. Don't hide it, but deal with it and forgive. You will see how much you still have to be thankful for, because you are not alone. Hard stuff... you are who you are because you made it through.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Great News!!!

My best friends just got engaged!! I am not only excited but worthy of peeing in my pants over this whole thing. Love like this just gets me really excited and quite frankly it makes me turn on the "corny-lovey-dovey" water works. It's just so nice to watch your closest friends fall in love and share it with one another. There's something about waking up one day and deciding that this is the person that you want to spend your life with that is just plain beautiful. I am a great fan of true love and the journey it takes you on. It's one I wouldn't suggest anyone miss out on.
I guess you could say that I have been that way ever since I got married myself. And the journey is a wild one. Some may say I am not qualified to say that yet since Joel and I have only been married for 8 months, and I can't possibly know the half of it. However if any of you know Joel Wright you always knew I was in for a wild ride, and it has been just that. Of course I expect a lot more in the future and I feel that I am prepared.
But back to my friends... I just wanted to dedicate this blog to them and the journey they are about to embark on. Good luck and God bless to you both. I love you both very much and am praying for all the best in your future. To Charisse and Josh, congratulations!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Now I have to say that I woke up today not feeling all that great. You know one of those days where you feel like just staying in bed, watching reality TV and eating ice cream (the only thing that makes me feel better other than my husband).
Well in mmy case feeling sick, and like I don't want to do very much always puts my brain in thinking mode. So thats what I did a lot of today... Thought to myself about everything under the sun and more. It's all you have to do when you feel the way I did today.
I usually hate feeling sick, and not having enough energy to do anything with my day. But in some cases I enjoy the time it gives me to reflect on things in my life. I never have a better excuse to just sit and think for an entire day without looking depressed.
So here I was reflecting on life, and I realize how nice it is to have so many great things to think about. Memories, family, friends, experiences, places... all of which have shaped my life into what it is today. All things that make me proud and feel lucky to living the life that I am. So many people aren't so luck, and it makes me extremely thankful to have all those things in my life that make it what it is. Naming every seperate thing and person would take me a life time. But for those of you, who know who you are, thank you for blessing me and my life. My life that seems so ordinary and plain from the outside, but iis truely something specail because of all of you. Heres to you