Tuesday, September 27, 2005


**The art of living life well...
Take great pleasure in small offerings.
Believe the world owes you nothing.
Understand that every gift given to you is exactly that.
Love life.

**Wise are the ones who make the most
of things that come their way,
and spend no time weeping for
the things that get away.

**It is usually not so much
the greatness of our troubles,
as the littleness of our spirit
which causes us to complain.

**The tea kettle sings...
even when it is up to it's neck
in hot water.

**Let us hold fast the confessions
of our hope without wavering,
for He who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23

These are some words that have put a smile on my face and encouraged me in the last few days. Times are tougher than I am used to right now so I always appreciate the things that let me see past the tough stuff and help me smile. Sometimes the simplest of words can be just what you need to hear. I hope they can do the same for you.


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