Now I have to say that I woke up today not feeling all that great. You know one of those days where you feel like just staying in bed, watching reality TV and eating ice cream (the only thing that makes me feel better other than my husband).
Well in mmy case feeling sick, and like I don't want to do very much always puts my brain in thinking mode. So thats what I did a lot of today... Thought to myself about everything under the sun and more. It's all you have to do when you feel the way I did today.
I usually hate feeling sick, and not having enough energy to do anything with my day. But in some cases I enjoy the time it gives me to reflect on things in my life. I never have a better excuse to just sit and think for an entire day without looking depressed.
So here I was reflecting on life, and I realize how nice it is to have so many great things to think about. Memories, family, friends, experiences, places... all of which have shaped my life into what it is today. All things that make me proud and feel lucky to living the life that I am. So many people aren't so luck, and it makes me extremely thankful to have all those things in my life that make it what it is. Naming every seperate thing and person would take me a life time. But for those of you, who know who you are, thank you for blessing me and my life. My life that seems so ordinary and plain from the outside, but iis truely something specail because of all of you. Heres to you
I'm not sure you must have read ly whole blog considering where your website led me to. If you had you would have realized that I am a married women. But thanks anyway for your comments.
what a chump eh. Good blog Chantel. I should have been commenting more often. I will now. Talk to you soon.
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