Biblical Roles... Husbands vs. Wives
Joel and I went to a Biblical Roles seminar at church today. It was really great, and gave us a lot to think about. It is really a big topic to talk about sometimes, because of how much culture today has changed views and oppinions. However the roles of a man vs. the roles of a women are so important to get right I think. I truly believe that part of having a completely fullfilled and happy marriage includes understanding and abiding to the roles you have as a woman or a man that are spicifically given out in the Bible. Because once you do, there is no comparing the satisfaction you recieve, which can only be the amazing fault of God (who by the way, is the one who planned it all out).
Women should not be affraid to submit to their husbands like it says in Ephesians 5:22-24. All submition means is to love, encourage and most importantly trust. If those are things a wife is lacking in her husband then you'd think there would be problems. It frusterates me when I hear someone say that a women who submits to her husband has lost the desire to live her own life on her own terms. Well I submit to my husband and take great offence to that comment! I have not given up my desire to fullfill my purpose here, because I know that God will use me to do amazing things, just like he uses my husband to lead me in our marriage and faith. And as far as my own terms? Although I do try selfishly sometimes, I don't think it's the best for anyone to be living on their own terms, but only God's alone. If it is one thing I want everyone to know it's this. The only garenttee to a life of true joy is by God's terms. Anyone who wants to can argue with me, but I stand be that. So submition is vulnerable, faithful, and incredibly beautiful. Marriage is all about these things.
But don't let me stop there. Because if women are going to have faith in there men and submit I sure hope those men are fullfilling their responsiblity of being a biblical husband. Ephesians 5:25-28. Just as women should not be affraid either should men be affraid of leading, and trusting God to help them lead. There is no better way to love your wife than by loving her by God's terms.
I challenge the men who are planning on being husbands to only do so if they plan to be the husband God has set an example of in Ephesians 5. And for women to not marry a man that they cannot submit to. Save the heartache...
I say all this because I am living the challenge myself right now. I have to say that it is wonderful and "lovely" to be able to trust in each other like we do, when we are doing this right. I can trust in Joel to love me enough to lead me and to care for me, and he can trust me to trust him and tell him when he isn't leading the way God intended. My goal is to be the most loving, God spirited wife I have in my power to be (the wife of Ephesians 5, and Proverbs 31). Knowing my role will help me to acheive that. My marraige is worth it, and so is all of yours.
chantel, i'm glad to see that you are wrestling with these things, and living them out. God will lead you, because you are willing to let him. I'm proud of you.
Thanks Chantel for writting this, it is so encouraging to hear you talk abou this, and thanks for sharing with the rest of us, it puts more light on the roles of marriage and how imporant they are! You're amazing, keep seeking out the truth of God.
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